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Market Trends Digest

A special December 2013 edition of the Newton-Evans Research Company’s Market Trends Digest is now available on our website. This edition looks at some of the studies Newton-Evans has put together in 2013. Also, see some preliminary results from our study of the World Market for Substation Automation & Integration 2014-2016, and read two articles by our CEO Chuck Newton:

1. ASAT and Alstom Grid: One Year Post-Merger
2. Cyber-security: Still Time to Heed the Warning Signals

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Newton-Evans Study Shows Cumulative Shipments Of HV/MV Instrument Transformers During 2013-2016 Will Approach $1.5 Billion

According to a recent study published by Newton-Evans Research, the “Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers,” the manufacturing of HV IT equipment has a high “concentration ratio” of suppliers. MV IT equipment manufacturing is less concentrated, and the market is supplied by several participants.

Of the key North American IT equipment manufacturers, only ABB participates to a significant extent in both the HV and MV segments. ABB is the clear market segment leader in MV IT shipment values, and is growing to become a significant player in the HV IT segment in North America. One competitor did state that in their opinion, most of ABB’s HV IT shipments to U.S. and Canadian customers are still in sub-transmission and lower HV ranges. ITEC believes its own business will grow nicely with planned new HV offerings in the 230kV range.

Overall, the IT sub-industry group of firms is positive regarding the outlook for IT equipment sales as the deployment of substation automation devices, including more relays and additional substation meters, continues to increase. Utility personnel and T&D engineering consultants we talked with also believe that the IT market is growing nicely, thanks to increases in transmission expenditures and the expansion of renewable energy facilities.

The full 14 page report is available for $575 on our reports page (scroll down to “Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers”)

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Substation Automation, A Look Back: External Assistance Required by Utilities for Substation Automation-related Activities

One subject Newton-Evans tries to measure in many surveys is the need for third party services among electric utilities that – for many possible reasons – might find themselves understaffed or lacking the specific technical expertise for a new type of equipment.

When we asked the question in 2010 to electric utility substation planners and engineers, “Will any external assistance be needed for substation automation and integration-related activities?” here is how our sample responded:

North America:
The Newton-Evans 2010 North American sample included 58 utilities in the U.S. and Canada representing a total of 27,459,646 end-use customers, 1,633 transmission substations and 5,448 distribution substations.

Engineering drawing support was indicated as a near-term requirement by 38% of the respondents. Training services followed with about one third citing a need for educational support.

Growth areas for services were expected for security-related services (vulnerability assessments, remediation services), training services and installation support.

External Assistance Needed For Substation Automation And Integration-Related Activities: North America

The Newton-Evans 2010 International sample included 43 utilities in 32 countries.

Personnel training was the substation-related activity that most required outsourcing to a third party. Sixty-two percent of international respondents required assistance with training in 2010, and 29% were estimated to require it by 2013.

Commissioning and testing, Installation, and security also currently require third party assistance by more than 40% of respondents, similar to the 2005 survey results.

External Assistance Needed For Substation Automation And Integration-Related Activities: International

In the 2005 study, training was the most important “external” service required by the world’s utilities for substation automation activities, mentioned by 54% of the respondents. This was followed by installation services and commissioning and testing services (both at 42%).

For more information about the world market for Substation Automation and Integration activity, write to us at or give us a call: 1 410 465 7316. Also see our sample material and brochures for the upcoming 2014-2016 substation automation world market study on our Reports page.

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Newton-Evans Fourth Quarter 2013 Research Efforts and Topics

In-house Studies
Substation Automation & Integration: 2014-2016
This survey-based report series is currently in the planning stages. Newton-Evans is currently requesting suggested topics for inclusion in the survey questionnaire from early subscribers to this series.


Our Reports

For examples of previous Substation Automation studies, see our reports page or go to the following URL for samples from the past study:

Recent Reports
American Manufacturing and Systems Integration Capabilities for Power Grid Modernization – Important Resource for staff and management at manufacturing companies and systems integration firms. Multiple facets of “smart grid” are discussed, including substation modernization.

Assessment and Overview of the World Market for Time Synchronization in Electric Power Substations: A Utility and Industry Survey-Based Report on Precision Timing Requirements – “Must Have” Information on Timing Requirements for Substation Modernization Programs involving utility clients at the substation level.

Global CAPEX and O&M Expenditure Outlook for Electric Power T&D Investments: 2013-2014, Funding Outlook for Smart Grid Development Based on Summer 2013 Survey Results – Great resource for global and regional outlook on grid modernization- focused on control systems, substation modernization and other key components of “smart grid” interest to the supply and demand side of electric power delivery industry.

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Overview of the U.S. Market for Fuses and Fusing Products Among Mid-sized Electric Utilities

This past summer Newton-Evans Research conducted a market survey of mid-sized electric utilities in the U.S. on the topic of fuses and fusing products. A total of 38 replies were received from utility operations officials. This respondent group included: 4 Investor Owned utilities, 21 Public Power utilities, and 13 Cooperatives. These 38 utilities serve a combined total of 8.2 million end user customers, or about 6% of the 144.5 million U.S. electricity end users.

Among several of the survey questions, utility engineers were asked to select the five voltage, current and speed power fuse combinations that were most used. Thirty-two respondents answered this question. Some respondents selected less than five combinations, and some selected more than five combinations. Twenty-seven respondents use 100 amp power fuses at either 7.2kV, 14.4kV, 25kV or 34.5kV. The table below provides a complete count of each combination selected on the survey.

Voltage, current and speed power fuse combinations used most: number of mentions
*Note: respondents were allowed to pick multiple options.

Utility officials were also asked about their typical annual budgets for fusing products, as well as which manufacturers are used as a percent of their overall fuse purchases.

This new 37 page market report is based on a survey of mid-size utilities regarding usage levels and brand preferences for fuse links, power fuses, and current limiting fuses. The report looks at the most common amp ratings, key manufacturers, budgets and annual usage levels of fuse links, power fuses and current limiting fuses among the sample, and offers projections to the entire U.S. market. The power fuse section also looks at indoor versus outdoor applications and refillable versus one time use units. Voltage and current combinations are charted by usage levels for current limiting fuses. The fuse products report is priced at $675.00.

See our reports page to place an order.

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Upcoming World Market Study of Substation Automation

Newton-Evans Research Company is currently in the survey design phase as we update our biennial world market study of substation automation and modernization. As usual, the results of this survey will be published in a 4-volume report series titled, “The Worldwide Market for Substation Automation and Integration Programs in Electric Utilities: 2014-2016” which will be available near January 15 of next year.

The report series will forecast spending on many aspects of substation automation and construction, and it will also track technology trends in substation communications, security, computing platforms, protocols, router requirements, and other topics. The report will also discuss challenges utilities face with regard to updating and modernizing substations, their approaches to equipment purchasing and installation, need/lack of need for third party services, and more.

With a typical world market potential in the tens of billions of dollars, substation automation is a key piece of the Smart Grid modernization picture. Insights from this study will help both utilities and electric power equipment manufacturers alike plan for the future.

See our brochure for a complete list of topics that have been covered in previous studies of the Substation Automation market.

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New Report from Newton-Evans Emphasizes U.S. Know-How and Capacity to Forge a Modern Electric Power Grid

Study entitled “American Manufacturing and Systems Integration Capabilities for Power Grid Modernization” Provides Specific Guidance from Manufacturers and Systems Integration Firms concerning Readiness to Serve

September 25, 2013. Ellicott City, Maryland. Newton-Evans Research believes that American manufacturers can accommodate more rapid growth in U.S. grid modernization efforts than currently exists. Based on repeated surveys of several of the key manufacturing companies active in grid modernization product development and firms involved with grid management and control systems integration activities, there is sufficient manufacturing and integration capacity to meet expected demand levels for almost all core components of the smart grid investment grant program identified by the U.S. Department of Energy as well as additional grid modernization components studied by Newton-Evans Research Company. The latter group includes the intelligent electronic devices required for various automation projects from transmission and distribution level applications down to smart infrastructure equipment.

Regarding the nation’s ability to increase systems integration workloads and capabilities, there is sufficient integration expertise available to expand usage levels of the following: (1) dynamic transmission line rating systems; (2) synchrophasor-related monitoring systems used in the nation’s high-voltage transmission networks; (3) operational control systems deployed for power generation management, transmission and distribution network operations and outage management; (4) information technology with which to intelligently manage deployments of grid modernization components, including telecommunications and analytical tools.

Newton-Evans’ ongoing discussions and formal studies with suppliers, appropriate consultants and utilities have enabled the research firm to develop an independent update and prepare a fresh outlook for each of the DOE-identified smart grid components and a number of additional grid modernization components studied on a repetitive basis by Newton-Evans. Nationwide grid modernization efforts could be largely completed by 2040, including widespread deployment of a variety of scalable energy storage devices sited along the electric power delivery network and at customer premises, according to these observations and insights.

The core technologies identified as smart grid investment grant (SGIG) program components by DOE and discussed anew in this report are as follows: Energy storage, dynamic line rating (DLR), operational control and monitoring systems including SCADA and energy management, distribution management system, Advanced Distribution Automation (ADA) and outage management systems, synchrophasors, advanced metering infrastructure, smart meters, home-area networks and smart electricity loads

In addition, Newton-Evans has included observations from its own related studies of other essential components of grid modernization. These additional grid modernization components include substation modernization programs, protection and control activities, cyber security developments, time synchronization and a variety of grid infrastructure equipment.

Newton-Evans also conducted its fifth tracking study of capital investment in grid modernization during the summer of 2013. This new report includes key excerpts from findings reported in the company’s report Global CAPEX and O&M Expenditure Outlook for Electric Power T&D Investments: 2013-2014.

The 41 page report is priced at $975.00 and is available on our reports page.

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Power Fuse Applications in the U.S. Electric Utility Industry

Earlier this year, Newton-Evans received 38 responses to a four page survey on the topic of power fuses, current limiting fuses and fuse links. Topics on the survey included number of power fuses, current limiting fuses and fuse links purchase annually; what brands are used; which current levels, voltage levels and speed ratings (K, E and DR) are used the most; what % of fuses are re-fillable vs. one-time use; and what % are used for indoor vs. outdoor applications.

What percent of power fuses being purchased are re-fillable power fuses (i.e. SM4, SM5) versus one time use (replaceable) power fuses (i.e. SMD20/SMU20, SMD40/SMU40)?

Newton-Evans Research found that most utilities either buy nearly all re-fillable power fuses or nearly all one time use power fuses. Among the sample, an average of 40% of power fuses are re-fillable, and an average of 60% are for one-time use. A frequency distribution of individual responses shows that the 2 largest portions are either 0% or 90-100% for either type.

What % of Power Fuses Are Refillable Vs. One-time Use?

What percent of power fuses are used for indoor applications (i.e. SM4Z, SM20) versus outdoor applications (i.e. SMD20, SMD40)

Overall findings from the surveyed utilities indicated that about 86% of power fuses are purchased for outdoor applications, and the remaining 14% for indoor applications. However, note that five survey respondents indicated that 70% or more of their power fuses were in fact for indoor applications.

What % of Power Fuses Are For Indoor Use Vs. Outdoor Use?

To download a sample .pdf of this report or to order online, see our reports page.

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Use and Plans for Vendor Security Certification Programs: 2011-2013

The final question in the 2011 survey requested information on vendor security certification requirements that utilities may have adopted since the previous study in 2008. In North America, only 11% of utilities in the sample had implemented such a program, but another 19% planned to require vendor security certification by year end 2013. Two thirds of the utilities have no plans for such vendor security certification.

North America Sample, 2011:

North America Sample, 2011:

Of the International utilities that answered this question in 2011, three out of twenty-one (14%) had implemented such a program, while another 33% plan to require vendor security certification by year end 2013. Almost half had no plans for such vendor security certification. Of the three out of twenty-one utilities with such a plan, all of them said it involved commissioning and maintenance processes; two said it involved product and service design, development and testing, and one indicated that their plan also involved organizational processes and disciplines.

International Sample, 2011:

To get more excerpts from our research studies, and to receive news and updates about our upcoming research projects like World Market for Substation Automation and Integration Programs in Electric Utilities: 2014-2017, write to with a subject line, “Sign me up!”

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Substation Automation Spending: Recap

Here are some of the key findings from the last survey of the World Market for Substation Automation and Integration Programs in Electric Utilities which was conducted in 2011. This study will be updated when research begins in 4th quarter of 2013. The 2011 study sampled roughly 20% of electric utilities worldwide by number of end use customers.

How much is your utility likely to spend on new and retrofit substation automation and integration programs between 2011 and 2013?

A frequency distribution shows that most of the respondents in the sample did not have funds budgeted for one or more years in both categories (retrofit and new). About twenty utilities were spending less than $100,000 in one or more years, and eleven utilities planned to spend over $1 million. A handful of respondents planned to spend between $500,000 and $600,000.

The international sample of utilities outside the U.S. and Canada had a larger proportion of respondents spending over $1 million, however, the international utilities in the sample tend to individually represent much larger, less deregulated infrastructures than U.S. utilities. The sample of international utilities spent an average of $6.5 million per year on new substations with a median of $1.4 million.

To get more excerpts from our research studies, and to receive news and updates about our upcoming research projects like World Market for Substation Automation and Integration Programs in Electric Utilities: 2014-2017, write to with a subject line, “Sign me up!”

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Substation Communications Protocols

Choice of protocol within the substation, between substations, and from the substation to the external host or network.

Newton-Evans studies of the North American market for substation automation suggest that while there has been some (minimal) movement toward at least testing and piloting IEC 61850 in the U.S. and Canada, there has been no significant shift toward widespread adoption of the protocol suite among North American utilities. Nonetheless, previous studies have predicted that by the end of this year 10% of North American electric utilities may be using some level of IEC 61850, probably in conjunction with other protocols.

The current users of DNP 3 and Modbus continue on with these protocols (migrating from serial to LAN-based versions) through the end of this year. Several utilities are reliant upon SEL protocols in more of their substation integration activities, at least among SEL customers.

Are protocols encrypted?
The trend towards encryption of substation communications is growing steadily every few years, as is evident from previous Newton-Evans studies.


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Smart Grid and Time Synchronization

Precision timing and time synchronization are topics vital to the future of smart grid operations, especially in electric power substations. In the recently published Newton-Evans, “Assessment and Overview of the World Market for Time Synchronization in Electric Power Substations,” we asked 17 vendors what time references their substation IEDs support. Fourteen out of 17 said that their products support IRIG-B, and 13 indicated NTP (Network Timing Protocol). Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) and Pulse Rates are offered and supported by 9 of these manufacturers while PTP with Power Profile is supported by 7. Just over one-third (35%) reported using direct GPS signals, while nearly one-quarter (23.5%) of the group reported “other” time references were used or offered with their substation equipment.


The participating manufacturers represent the majority of substation-based intelligent electronic devices (other than protective relays) used in conjunction with substation modernization programs. A number of these respondents also manufacture synchrophasor products including phasor measurement units and phasor data concentrators. Among the other product classes represented are: metering products; communications switches; fault and event recorders; protective relays; automation processing platforms; equipment monitors, and a range of IEC 61850 and DNP 3 supported equipment and devices.

Utility and Consultant Survey Observations
There was strong support for this time synchronization study received from 57 utilities in 24 countries. In addition to the utilities, six leading international engineering consulting firms provided key members of their substation consulting teams to participate in the study. The survey included 14 questions related to substation timing issues and current approaches to synchronize and distribute timing information.

Current Market for Precision Time Clocks
The multi-industry use of precision clocks (masters and slaves) is estimated to be in the range of $200-250 Million as of 2012, with moderate to good growth anticipated by clock manufacturers as well as by utility users. The mid-to-long term market outlook indicates growing interest in adoption of precision timing protocol (PTP) IEEE 1588.

Global sales of time synchronization devices for use in electric power substation (and all other electric power) applications are estimated to be in the range of $35-50 Million for 2012.

This 64 page report, “Assessment and Overview of the World Market for Time Synchronization in Electric Power Substations: A Utility and Industry Survey-Based Report on Precision Timing Requirements” is now available for $975.00 on our reports page. Samples from the report are available.

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Utility CAPEX/OPEX Report Published with Results of April-July 2013 Newton-Evans Study of Electric Power T&D Investment

Ellicott City, Maryland – July 24, 2013: The Newton-Evans Research Company today announced the publication of its fifth study in the multi-year tracking research program looking into electric power utility capital expenditures or CAPEX budgets related to smart grid investments and infrastructure spending plans.

Findings from the second and early third quarter 2013 Newton-Evans global tracking study of electric power transmission and distribution investment remain positive, comparable with the four earlier tracking studies conducted in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Each of six “smart grid” component areas, plus transmission and distribution infrastructure development, has been reported by utilities located in 30 countries to more likely be either “increased” or “unchanged” rather than “decreased” from the last study. The highest percentages of officials reporting CAPEX increases were in the areas of transmission infrastructure and protection and control, followed by distribution infrastructure and control systems.


O&M budgets reflect a somewhat upbeat story as well. Several categories of O&M spending were more likely to see an increase from the OPEX budgets of two years ago. Distribution infrastructure and Distribution Automation both have gained some budget increases. Overall, international utility officials were more likely to indicate increases in both CAPEX and OPEX spending allocations for the majority of grid modernization topics.

Read the archived news release here.

This report is available on our reports page for $495.00. Feel free to call (410-465-7316) or email for more information.

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Third New Market Study in July: Observations and Overview of the U.S. Market for Fuse Links, Power Fuses and Current Limiting Fuses Among Mid-sized Electric Utilities.

This new 40 page market report is based on a survey of mid-size utilities regarding usage levels and brand preferences for fuse links, power fuses, and current limiting fuses. The report looks at the most common amp ratings, key manufacturers, budgets and annual usage levels of fuse links, power fuses and current limiting fuses among the sample, and offers projections to the entire U.S. market. The power fuse section also looks at indoor versus outdoor applications and refillable versus one time use units. Voltage and current combinations are charted by usage levels for current limiting fuses. “Observations and Overview of the U.S. Market for Fuse Links, Power Fuses and Current Limiting Fuses Among Mid-sized Electric Utilities” is priced at $675.00 and is available for purchase on the reports page.

This is the third Newton-Evans market report published this month, joining the “Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers” and the “Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook of the Market for Medium Voltage Fault Current Limiters.”

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New Report from Newton-Evans: Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers

This new study of High Voltage and Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers shines a light on the growing requirement for additional current and voltage transformation equipment in electric power substations as more intelligent electronic devices are installed both in the substation and on the grid. From protective relays to substation meters to additional substation-based intelligent electronic devices, all require a reliable lower voltage, lower current power source to enable device operation.

According to Chuck Newton, “Newton-Evans Research undertook initial research on the topic of high voltage (HV) instrument transformers in mid-2012, then continued earlier this year for a private client study. Now, as follow-on to these efforts, Newton-Evans has extended its efforts into medium voltage (MV) instrument transformers during the second and early third quarters of 2013.”

Following are some key observations based on the HV/MV IT research program described in the report:

• By 2016, the combined HV/MV IT market will likely grow to more than $400 million annually with about $340-$370 million in U.S. expenditures and $50-$65 million spent by Canadian utilities and industry.
• Cumulative shipments of HV/MV instrument transformers within North America during 2013-2016 will approach $1.5 Billion.
• The manufacturing of HV IT equipment has a high “concentration ratio” (CR3) of suppliers.
• MV IT equipment manufacturing is less concentrated, with the medium voltage IT market addressed by several additional participants. (CR8).
• Sub-transmission level IT equipment, if viewed as a separate segment, would reveal additional market segment suppliers identified in the report.
• The spate of acquisitions a few years ago, involving the acquisition of the three leading “independent” HV IT equipment manufacturers (Trench, Ritz and Kuhlman) by Siemens, Alstom Grid and ABB, respectively, foreshadowed then-anticipated growth in this segment of the IT market in North America. Now, this T&D market segment continues to show promise in light of the construction and installation of new substations and quickening pace of grid modernization programs.

More information on this report, priced at $575.00,  can be found by clicking on the”Reports” tab.

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Fault Current Limiters: Newton-Evans Market Assessment and Overview through 2016

Newton-Evans Research Releases Report on Fault Current Limiters

This new (July 2013) publication is entitled: Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook of the Market for Medium Voltage Fault Current Limiters. Newton-Evans began research work during the past year on a study of the U.S. market for Medium Voltage Fault Current Limiters (MV FCL). Initial work resulted in the aggregation of then-current secondary information on MV FCLs. Contact was established with the officials responsible for FCLs at the two known U.S.-based suppliers that have existing successful FCL installations (ABB and G&W). Both of these firms actively manufacture, market and provide support for their MV FCL products. Following an initial market assessment, Newton-Evans staff undertook telephone interviews with distribution engineering officials at 42 leading U.S. and Canadian Utilities to discuss use and plans for FCLs.

The resulting report is a 12 page assessment of the recent history and mid-term outlook for further development of this small segment of the electric power transmission and distribution equipment market. Synopsis of the two leading suppliers and a glimpse into the role superconductors may play now and in the mid-term to encourage further expansion of this market in both high voltage and medium voltage applications, and setting the stage for additional manufacturer participation.

This new report is priced at $275.00, with the market outlook through 2016 prepared by supplier shares, by world region, and by application (end-user), and is available for immediate download from our REPORTS tab.

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Top Quality Smart Grid and Grid Modernization Market Research Report Offerings for New Clients . .

Enabling Your Company to become “Market Smart.” Insights from Newton-Evans Research to Help You Succeed as a Smart Grid Market Leader

Through July, 2013, new clients can purchase a package of five widely acclaimed Newton-Evans Research studies for a total investment of $9,950.00. If purchased individually, these 2011-2013 reports would cost more than $26,000.00. An onsite briefing session covering these topics and more, tailored especially for your staff, can be provided for an additional $2,750.00.

If you are a first time smart grid market participant or simply out to improve your company’s performance and position in the growing smart grid marketplace, let Newton-Evans Research studies and resources help guide you to become “market smart.” We know the smart grid market; equipment, systems and services; segment market size and outlook; key players in each segment; usage patterns; buying trends; and more!

Take a look at our 35 year record of acclaimed electric power market studies. Review our client list. Read up on our methodology…scan the trade press coverage of our work, and you will definitely want to get on board with this special offer while it is available.

This Newton-Evans grouping of smart grid reports is based on hundreds of surveys and user interviews as well as discussions with suppliers, integration specialists and services providers. In most cases, these studies have their foundation in earlier decades of research for clients throughout the world.

Here are the definitive reports we have prepared over the past 30 months that will help your company to succeed in 2013 and beyond:

  • The World Market Study of SCADA, Energy Management Systems, Distribution Management Systems and Outage Management Systems in Electric Utilities: 2013-2015 (four volumes)
  • Global Study of Data Communications Usage Patterns and Plans in the Electric Power Industry: 2011-2015
  • Worldwide Study of the Protective Relay Marketplace In Electric Utilities: 2012-2014 (Four volumes)
  • The Worldwide Smart Grid Market in 2011: A Reality Check and Five Year Outlook Through 2015 (in Three PDF volumes)
  • The World Market for Substation Automation and Integration Programs in Electric Utilities: 2011-2013 (Four volumes)

For orders placed during June, you will also receive a complimentary copy of the forthcoming mid- 2013 edition of Global CAPEX and O&M Expenditure Outlook for Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Investments: 2013-2014 – Funding Outlook for Smart Grid Development (based on June 2013 survey results).

Download an order form for this special offer here:

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Newton-Evans Research Study of Precision Timing Requirements For Substation Modernization and Synchrophasor Installations Underway

Newton-Evans is currently conducting a two-pronged study to determine the perceived importance and likely trends affecting substation timing and time synchronization requirements.

Survey completion time estimate: 10-15 minutes

For Transmission Asset Owners and ISOs/RTOs:
This survey requests information on timing references used by utilities and plans to implement IEEE 1588, IEC 61588, and Power Profile C37.238-2011. Time synchronization is becoming ever more important in the development of transmission networks making use of substation modernization, smart substations, and other substation automation upgrades.

Here is the survey link for use by qualified transmission and substation engineers who wish to participate in our important study.

For Substation Equipment and Intelligent Device Manufacturers:
This survey requests information on time references supported by substation devices, the role of GPS, support of PTP, and PTP adoption trends.
Here is the survey link for use by manufacturers of intelligent substation devices that require time synchronization.

Thank you for your interest in this important study. All interested participants will receive an Executive Summary of our findings from both surveys.

Respondent Confidentiality: Always Guaranteed by virtue of our membership of more than 20 years in the Council of American Survey Research Organization

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Did You Know…

…On a typical day, the Newton-Evans “Events” calendar is viewed by readers in 12-20 countries?

…Newton-Evans has surveyed more than 1,500 utility engineering and operations officials on more than 15 topics over the past year alone? . . . While the majority of our survey respondents are typically from North American utilities, we have had survey participation from utility officials located in more than 40 countries in the past 12 months.

…At any time, Newton-Evans will likely have multiple (from 3, 4 or 5) concurrent market/product/technology studies underway with utilities, industrials, consultants and/or suppliers to better understand the North American, international or global electric power delivery and smart grid marketplace?

…While the company has a large array of multi-client reports and studies available (see the Reports section of the website), more than one-half of our business is conducted for individual clients (proprietary research and consulting services).

…Similarly, the company undertakes both qualitative and quantitative research, often combining both approaches in a single study. For those studies where low cost is a vital consideration, secondary research combined with supply-side interviews will often be a cost-effective approach to meet the informational needs of our clients.

…Newton-Evans’ research activities and observations are shared with industry media on an ongoing basis. During 2012 and so far into 2013, the Newton-Evans’ staff has authored many important articles included in a number of industry leading publications. Here is a sample listing of a few of our recent contributions and editorial summaries or news concerning our reports

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Full Plate of Research Projects Underway and Planned at Newton-Evans

As of early April, much of the 2013 T&D research work already completed or now underway for clients has once again centered on fundamentals required for a more resilient power grid— that is, on “infrastructure building blocks” rather than on pure automation or IT.

While many observers continue to overlook the critical role of “widgets” — basic T&D grid components – – – that have themselves benefited from technical advances over the past decade, our research programs have included a number of studies of these components.  During the first quarter of 2013, we have come to understand that more reliable and greener components available in the newest generation of core grid products are indeed making headway in the North American Grid and throughout the world.

Currently, Newton-Evans staff is fully engaged in client studies researching the emerging roles being played by such basic grid components as power fuses, capacitor bank switches, and even the various improvements in transformer oils being used in the millions of power and distribution transformer installations in North America.  We are about to begin a private study of high voltage circuit breaker trends.

We have not overlooked “smart grid” developments, of course, being the earliest industry marketing research firm to study T&D control systems . . . beginning in 1981.  We have recently released the four volume 2013-2015 edition of the World Market Outlook for EMS, SCADA, DMS and OMS Systems.  For another private client we have already completed a detailed year-by-year history and eight year outlook for distribution automation in North America.

Another first quarter client study provided a major power utility client with the ability to measure the opinions, attitudes and experiences of other electric utility operations officials regarding the pros and cons of alternative data communications infrastructure choices for operational data acquisition. These report findings enabled our client to make an educated decision about how to proceed with its own communications infrastructure upgrades.

The findings presented in the project report were based on a survey sent out to large electric utilities around the world. Utility officials involved in communications network planning or oversight from more than 15 countries responded to the survey. While not all participating utilities operated control systems that are configured with multiple control centers, survey participation and informative feedback was welcomed from everyone.

Illustrative diagrams were included throughout the survey to guide respondents into thinking about four specific network communications scenarios being considered by the client utility. After being presented with the diagrams and descriptions, survey respondents were asked a series of questions including, “What scenario do you think will offer the best opportunity to accomplish the following:”

  • transition easily to an IP data infrastructure with better cost control and reduced latency
  • transition easily to a better data acquisition infrastructure using synchrophasors (PMUs)
  • easily update data points over the network & synchronize the updates with other systems

In early June, one of our clients will be hosting an exclusive afternoon reception and discussions of advanced cyber security and related compliance topics, with speakers from NIST and ENERNEX among others.  Newton-Evans will soon be sending out invitations to selected utility officials from the mid-Atlantic area.  Qualified senior utility officials, who may be interested in learning more about defense-in-depth file transfer techniques between various operational systems and multiple enterprise systems, can contact us for an invitation to attend this small group event which will be held in suburban D.C.  The seating for this event is limited; there is no cost for attendees (other than transportation).

This event promises to be another great way to learn more about the implications of the new 2013 cyber security executive order for critical infrastructure, as well as receiving updates to NERC compliance topics, and how advanced cyber technology developments will transfer from one usage sector to the electric power industry to secure file transfers between operational control systems and IT systems.

During the summer months, Newton-Evans will be “going global” once again with its fifth edition of the CAPEX/OPEX outlook among the world’s electric power utility community.  Concurrently, we expect to be underway with a major update to our historical compilations of distribution automation developments and trends.

Newton-Evans’ CEO, Chuck Newton, has been selected by Energy Central to serve as the Operations Track Chair for this autumn’s KNOWLEDGE 2013 Conference, scheduled for November 4-6, 2013 at the exclusive Broadmoor Hotel and Resort in Colorado.  We are looking for a few additional senior level Operations/Smart Grid people to serve as program committee members.  The KNOWLEDGE Conference is known for its attractiveness to C-Level executives and other senior managers who are afforded the opportunity to have open discussions and dialogue with peers on IT and CIS topics in a relaxed setting.  We hope to make the Operations track a vital new component of this exclusive conference.

Finally, during the first quarter, Newton-Evans contributed articles to the following publications:

Intelligent Utility (March 13, 2013 edition) “Current, Planned Global Deployment of Analytics Capabilities”

Utility Horizons Quarterly (April, 2013 edition) “Usage Patterns and Trends in Electric Utility Automation”

Transmission & Distributions WORLD (May 2013 edition) “Special Supplement Communications: “Assessment and Outlook for Telecommunications Networks and Protocols in the World’s Electric Power Utilities”

In addition, our latest global control systems studies received coverage on a number of financial news sites around the world as well as in the following industry publications:

Transmission and Distribution World – Online – Feb 20, 2013
“Global Spending for Power Delivery Control Systems for 2012-2015 Likely to Exceed $5.5 Billion”

Renew Grid – February 19, 2013
“North American Utilities Lagging On Standards And Best Practices”

Smart Grid News – February 15, 2013
“Study reveals U.S. utilities falling behind in adoption of essential best practices”

PowerGrid International, January, 2013
Newton-Evans:  EMS, SCADA, DMS, OMS Likely to See Much Growth Through 2015″
Print Magazine article (page 20)