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A Mid-2024 Assessment of the U.S. Distribution Transformer Industry

This overview provides a comprehensive look at the distribution transformer market in the U.S., highlighting its complexity, key players, and market dynamics. The article includes four sections covering the major classifications of distribution transformers as used in the U.S.  These include overhead pole-mount distribution transformers, dry-type units, pad-mount transformers and network transformers. 

One of the salient points in assessing the distribution transformer market is in the composition of key industry participants.  Unlike the leaders in power transformer manufacturing, which are global or at least multi-national in scope and scale, there are multiple important North American-based manufacturers of one or more types of distribution transformers.  This group of industry leaders includes significant sized North American companies. Howard Industries, ERMCO and Central Moloney – are leading U.S. firms, while Hammond Power Solutions and Carte International are Canadian-based, with both enjoying an increasingly important presence across the U.S. market.

The leading world-class power transformer manufacturers including Prolec-GE, Hitachi Energy, and Siemens Energy also certainly have a stake in one or more segments in this multi-billion-dollar portion of the electrical transformer industry.

A liquid-filled Distribution Transformer for this article is an oil-filled, overhead, pole- mounted transformer of 5 kVA or higher. Most of the estimated 45 million or more distribution transformers in the United States are liquid-filled and most are single-phase, overhead installations.  By 2022, these amounted to more than one million units of annual production (Newton-Evans’ estimates). The 2023 market, while continuing to churn out more than one million units per year, had been hampered by long lead times, capacity limitations, material shortages, and changing FERC/DOE specifications.  Nonetheless, the demand for these units continues to increase in mid-2024 as new housing units develop in an ongoing moderately strong economy and as millions of older units are scheduled to be replaced over the next few years.

With the market demand for overhead residential distribution transformers running at about 1,100,000-1,250,000 units per year, the median prices have been increasing each year, due to the cost of materials, capacity limitations and supply channel issues.  For pad mount and three-phase units, recent sample bid price ranges are listed in the available market overviews comprising the Newton-Evans transformer market overview series .  Average life span for 1-phase overhead units is 30-34 years, depending on climate and location.  Some further observations include these:

  • The majority (70-80%) of distribution transformers are sold directly from manufacturers to large utilities/end-users (IOUs and industrials) while mid-size municipals and co-ops tend to purchase via reps and distributors.
  • Newton-Evans estimates that there are about 30-40 American utilities requiring at least 10,000 replacement pole-top units per year, and another 50 or so utilities that require at least 5,000 replacement units per year.
  • Howard Industries, a co-leader in oil-filled distribution transformers, has a formidable competitor in the combined ERMCO family of distribution transformer manufacturers, which includes Power Partners, Pioneer Transformers and Jefferson Electric, as well as the large oil-filled distribution transformer business of the ERMCO Transformers unit.

A dry-type distribution transformer is considered to be a single phase or three-phase unit installed primarily at indoor locations of commercial and industrial sites. Price variations are significant, dependent upon these factors: kVA rating, 1p or 3p unit construction; primary and secondary voltage level; number of taps, temperature variance; frequency, type of windings, type (ventilated or encapsulated), sound levels, electrostatic shield requirement; K-factor and quantities.

Although there are no dominant suppliers in this segment in the USA, at least six companies, led by Hammond (HPS) have a double-digit share of this nearly $900 million-dollar market (Newton-Evans estimate). Other key suppliers include Hitachi Energy, Eaton, Schneider Electric, Prolec GE and Siemens Energy.  On a worldwide basis, it is likely that Hitachi Energy is the market leader, with an estimated $750-$800 million in sales of dry- type transformers of small, medium and large power units (up to 63 MVA).

As a side note, a U.S. Department of Energy study released in late 2021, reported 2019 sales of about $716 million paid for several hundred thousand dry-type transformers, the majority of which were low voltage units.  That same heavily redacted DOE study indicated only six suppliers accounted for the majority of dry-type unit sales.  Other suppliers with at least a 1%-3% share include: Olsun, MGM, WEG, FedPac, Howard, Hubbell ACME, ELSCO, Sunbelt-Solomon (Newton-Evans observations).

A liquid-filled, pad-mounted Distribution Transformer is a pad-mount transformer of 25 kVA or higher. A significant portion of three-phase liquid units are pad-mounted outdoor installations. More than 65,000 three-phase, liquid-filled units were likely sold in 2023 (Newton-Evans estimate). Utilities purchase pad mount units for stock/inventory as well as for immediate installation. At least four manufacturers are believed to have earned $100 million or more in 2023 sales of residential pad mount transformers (Newton-Evans’ estimates).  Key manufacturers include Howard industries, ERMCO and Central Moloney along with the larger multinational firms, including Eaton CPS, Prolec GE and Hitachi Energy.

The price range for pad-mounted distribution transformers vary significantly year-to-year, due to price fluctuations in the commodities markets for copper and steel.  Typical price ranges found on bid tally sheets vary from about a low of $4,000 to a high end of about $40,000 – with price depending upon quantity and kVA ratings requirements.  Utilities having blanket agreements with suppliers tend to obtain significant discounts from the open bid prices we have listed in the market overview series of reports.  The pad-mount portion of distribution transformer shipments is more than one quarter of the total value.

Network transformers are high-end distribution transformers that serve underground grid and spot networks, and these are large three-phase units. The New York City (ConEdison) and suburban New Jersey areas (PSEG) together account for about 40-50% of all U.S. network transformer installations.

Network transformers are normally vault-types or subway types, which are defined in ANSI C57.12.40-1982: Vault-type transformers are suitable for occasional submerged operation while subway-type transformers are suitable for frequent or continuous sub-merged operation

Network transformers are also used in large buildings, usually located in the basement. In these, vault-type transformers may be used (as long as the room is properly built and secured for such use).  Utilities may also use dry-type network transformers and related units with less flammable insulating oils.

Sources: grid-and-spot-networks/  and Newton-Evans Research – 2020/2022 Studies:  See related article here

The U.S. network transformer market is oligopolistic in nature with only four major suppliers (Carte International, Hitachi Energy, Prolec GE and Pioneer-ERMCO) and four minor suppliers (HPS, Howard Industries, Fed Pac and Maddox) that together produce and ship between 1,400 and 1,900 3p and 1p units each year (Newton-Evans estimates).

More information on our individual transformer report summaries found in this year’s  edition of Overview of the 2024-2026 U.S. Transmission and Distribution Equipment Market: Transformer Series  can be found here: .  

These report summaries each provide an external, nuanced view that can be helpful to manufacturers, end-users, consultants and channels partners in their product and market planning  activities.

Our planned August article will take a look into the substation modernization and automation market, summarizing some findings reported in the just-released series of market overviews located here:

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A Mid-2024 Assessment of the U.S. Power Transformer Industry

Two groups of transformer manufacturers are active in the U.S. electric power industry.  This month’s article will look into the power transformer side of the industry.  Later this month, we will feature an assessment of the multi-billion-dollar distribution transformer market, led by another group of equipment manufacturers.

Large power transformer manufacturers include the global Big Three equipment suppliers to the electric power industry (Hitachi Energy, GE, Siemens), along with specialist power transformer manufacturers including Virginia Transformer, Delta Star, Pennsylvania Transformer, HICO, Hitachi, WEG and Hyundai.

Here are some “definitions” we use for power transformer classifications, based on MVA ranges.

  • A small power transformer is a single phase or three phase unit ranging from 65 kV to 145 kV (U.S. Department of Energy definition) and range up to about 30 or 40 MVA. There are four major manufacturers with each having at least a 10% share of this market segment.  These four together account for about 65% of the value of small power transformer shipments.  Several additional important market participants are active in the U.S. market for small and small-medium power transformers.
  • A medium-to low-end-large power transformer is a unit that ranges from 30-100 MVA. Six major suppliers (Hitachi Energy, Siemens, Hyundai, VA/GE Transformers, Delta Star and Prolec-GE-SPX) share 70+% of this estimated multi[hundred million dollar segment of the U.S. power transformer market.
  • A very large power transformer (VLPT)  as defined is a unit that ranges from 251-400 MVA. Four major suppliers including Hitachi, Hyundai, Siemens and Prolec-GE share more than two-thirds of this estimated multi-hundred-million-dollar segment of the U.S. power transformer market.
  • An extra-large power transformer (XLPT) for this report is a unit that ranges upward from 400 MVA. Three major suppliers including Hitachi, Siemens and Prolec-GE share nearly 60% of the XLPT market in the United States. By 2022, Newton-Evans estimates that sales of XLPT units were growing nicely.  XLPT units are purchased by EHV/UHV transmission utilities and a few industrials that together comprise this segment of the U.S. power transformer market.  Importantly, HICO, Hyundai and Pennsylvania Transformer (acquired by Quanta Services in Nov 2023) have increased their market standing in the large and very large power segments over the past few years.

The Power Transformers market in the U.S. was estimated by one research firm at US$6.9 Billion in the year 2021. . The Power Transformers market in the U.S. was estimated at US$5.2 Billion in the year 2022 by another research firm.  A third research firm, GMI, reported a U.S. combined power and distribution transformer market of $11.2 Billion in 2023, growing at 7.8% annually through 2032.  .  Most observers, including Newton-Evans Research, believe that the U.S. accounts for about one quarter of total world demand for power transformers.

Shipment values of power transformers from 30 MVA and up were around $3 Billion in 2023, according to Newton-Evans’ own findings. Two major suppliers participating in our annual study indicated that 2023 large power transformer sales were close to $2B by year-end for 2023 and will be “well above” $2B in 2024.  The Newton-Evans’ chart below shows what the firm believes is the dollar value range of actual unit shipments of power transformers for 2023.  The “bookings level” for 2023 and for the next few years is well above these estimated shipment values, due in large part to the extended lead times for unit delivery of power transformers.  Wood-Mackenzie recently wrote on the issue of long lead times for power transformers.

about $3
Renewable projects that were released 2-3 years ago and for which transformers are now getting ready to ship don’t always have a “home” ready to accept the power transformers. In some cases, at least one manufacturer has been delivering client transformer orders to a warehouse or other storage location. Some renewables developers have a growing inventory of ‘unused’ power transformers, and we believe this may impact future demand as this could result in increasing cancellations of active “build” projects.

Shunt reactor orders are increasing as well, as many of the renewable sites have installed, or will install, shunt reactors. Newton-Evans believes that it is likely that the majority of demand for these shunt reactors will be of the variable type, rather than fixed type units, especially so for offshore wind projects.  Other equipment included in the Newton-Evans series of power transformer market overviews include mobile transformers, phase shifting transformers and specialty transformers (including arc, furnace types) for industrial use.

Impact of ER and BESS:  With the growth of distributed energy resources and energy storage across the country, there will be increasing demand for small/low power transformers over the five-year outlook period (2024-2029), especially with the emphasis on a green energy economy within the Biden administration.  This could all change (perhaps dramatically) depending upon the outcome of the 2024 national election.

Already in 2024, the U.S. has gained promise of much-needed additional power transformer capacity, with the February announcement from Siemens Energy that it will construct its first large power transformer plant in the U.S. (Charlotte, NC).  A second announcement in June came from the Italian firm, Westrafo, for a new large power transformer plant to be constructed in the greater Dayton, Ohio area.   Both plants expect to be in full production within 36 months.

Look for our next article providing an assessment of the U.S. distribution transformer market by the end of July.

More information on our individual transformer report summaries found in this year’s  edition: Overview of the 2024-2026 U.S. Transmission and Distribution Equipment Market: Transformer Series  can be found here: .  

These report summaries each provide an external, nuanced view that can be helpful to manufacturers, end-users, consultants and channels partners in their product and market planning  activities.

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A Look at the U.S. Medium Voltage Electric Power Equipment Services Market

The total MV services market is very large – possibly in excess of $15 billion. This larger view of the MV services market encompasses multiple segments such as field and in-plant equipment maintenance and refurbishment; construction-related services for distribution substations and MV under-grounding activities; training classes for utility/C&I engineering and operations staffs; site analysis and permitting for distribution utilities and renewables projects; and MV equipment testing services, including commercial test labs and field service diagnostics and testing firms. In addition, vegetation management and telecommunications services are both very large power utility-related businesses in their own right, with significant portions of segment revenue obtained from medium-voltage projects, and these topics will be covered in articles later in 2024.

U.S. Medium Voltage Equipment Services
The U.S. MV equipment services market itself is very large (>$4 billion is our estimated minimum market size) in total, comprised of at least three major sub-segments and is served by hundreds of national, regional and local-area electrical equipment service providers.

While much of MV equipment services growth for third party firms seems likely to be in the 3-5% range, there are a few areas that may see larger increases in revenues, including the upper MV ranges of switchgear, along with gas-insulated units and underground equipment. As well, transformer maintenance, repairs and retrofits are commanding more attention and relying on third party services as new transformer prices, product availability and long lead times affect grid reliability.

Numerous MV Maintenance Market Participants
In multiple research studies conducted over several decades, Newton-Evans Research has found more than 275 U.S.-based companies and organizations provide one or more types of MV equipment-related services to electric utilities and to C&I customers. Each of these was earning related revenues of at least $10 million in annual revenue, with about 45-50 firms in the group earning in excess of $20 million annually from the provision of MV-related services. There is a growing group of domestic firms earning in excess of $250 million in MV services revenue. Another large segment of commercial providers offers services in addition to equipment maintenance, repair and refurbishment. These include utility staff training services, equipment testing services and some portion of construction related (design/build) services.

When it comes to MV equipment services, two product categories account for the lion’s share of segment revenue. These are switchgear/circuit breaker and distribution transformer equipment services.  Let’s take a closer look at these.

MV Switchgear Services Revenue Assumptions based on Third Party Service Firm Website Information
Switchgear services (maintenance, repair, refurbishment and re-manufacturing) are often grouped with similar Circuit Breaker services and together account for several hundred million dollars of utility and C&I expenditures. There are national, regional and local area third-party T&D services firms that provide various levels of equipment services for utilities and the C&I communities. Some of the national names prominent in the switchgear services, maintenance and repair/refurbishment market include Shermco, CBS Services and Saber Power Services.

While many services firms are in the “small business” category and earn less than $10 million annually, there are several others that earn in excess of $100 Million from a variety of T&D equipment service offerings.

Distribution and Power Transformers
While Newton-Evans estimates as much as $900 million is spent annually on electric power transformer services and replacement parts, the majority of this amount goes for power transformers. Nonetheless, there are several firms that specialize in service and repairs for pole-top and pad-mount distribution transformers. Among the large firms that service, repair and refurbish transformers of all sizes and offer nationwide services, include companies such as IPS, Sunbelt Solomon, RESA and others. A number of smaller firms specialize in maintenance, repairs for distribution transformers at a regional level, including Northeast Power, UTB Transformers and Valley Transformers, Inc.

Twenty years ago, a Newton-Evans survey found that many utilities did not bother with repairs to, nor did they consider third party maintenance, of pole-mount distribution transformers. Unit replacement was easier and faster than was rework and repair. At that time, manufacturing capacity for pole-mount units was sufficient to meet domestic U.S. demand, and lead-times were quite short, compared with today’s market. Most electric power utilities had been able to procure and store scores or hundreds of spare pole-top units for emergencies or time-based replacement up until the COVID years.

All Other MV Equipment Services: The third arm of MV equipment services we consider to be comprised of “all other” equipment of significant cost – that is, costing multiple thousands of dollars. Based on a small sample utility survey conducted during late 2023, it appears that relatively low-cost equipment including reclosers, sectionalizers, fuse links, distribution line monitors, fault current limiters, surge arresters and MV capacitors were very likely to be replaced rather than repaired.

Our next article on MV Services will focus on construction-related services for distribution substations and MV undergrounding activities; training classes for utility/C&I engineering and operations staffs; site analysis and permitting for distribution utilities and renewables projects; and MV equipment testing services, including commercial test labs and field service diagnostics and testing firms.

Keep in mind if you need to have an understanding of the U.S. medium voltage equipment market, our report series of two to four page U.S. market overviews, covering 17 MV equipment types, may be helpful to you. The link for for further information and to place an online order is here:

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A Look at the 2021 T&D Services Market in the United States

Over the past decade, the need for on-site T&D equipment servicing and parts replacement has grown, both for electric utilities and for commercial and industrial customers. While Newton-Evans has studied this portion of the T&D market in a cursory manner over the decades, we have not produced a multi-client study of this important segment of T&D-related spending. Even now, our definition of T&D services is not all-inclusive, as there is significant related expense incurred for equipment testing services (about $450 Million) and even more investment for replacement parts for ancillary equipment like structures, connectors, line tools, et al, accounting for multiple hundreds of millions of dollars.

While much of the cost of T&D equipment services and repairs is grouped as operating expense, we believe there may be some “replacement parts” costs that are likely classified as capital expenditures, especially costly parts for large power transformers and components for HV substation equipment.

The total value of expenditures for T&D equipment-related services and replacement parts in the United States is likely around the $4 Billion level as of 2021, and our estimate for global spending on T&D services is in the $18-20 billion range. These estimates exclude the costs of equipment unit replacement. Together, T&D equipment services, including repairs and replacement parts, accounted for perhaps $3.6 Billion to upwards of $4.2 Billion in 2021. See Figure 1.

Looking at T&D equipment field services, including repairs and maintenance services performed by third parties, our mid-point spending estimate is $1,750 Million. See Figure 2.

Similarly, the spending for replacement parts for HV, MV, LV equipment and for power and distribution transformers is estimated to be in the $2,200 Million range. See Figure 3.

The overall split of spending between utilities and the C&I community is about a four-to-one ratio in our view, with utilities accounting for the bulk of all HV, MV and transformer-related spending, but with the C&I group accounting for substantial portions of LV equipment services and replacement parts, some MV and transformer services, and occasional HV equipment servicing.

The largest portion of spending among the four categories studied for this article (HV, MV and LV equipment, and transformers of all sizes) is for MV equipment services and replacement parts. HV equipment services follow, then comes spending for power transformer services and LV equipment services.

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Sizing the Market for Electric Power Grid Modernization In an Era of Pandemic

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration, annual spending on electricity distribution systems by major U.S. utilities continued to increase year-over-year through 2019, with major utilities spending some $57.4 billion on electric distribution in that last pre-pandemic year. More than half of utility distribution spending in 2019 went toward capital investment ($31.4 billion) as utilities worked to replace, upgrade, and extend existing infrastructure. Another $14.6 billion was invested in operations and maintenance (O&M), and $11.5 billion was appropriated for customer expenses, which included advertising, billing, and customer service.

In 2019, much of the $31.4 billion distribution system capital investment (40%) was spent on power lines, both underground (23% of investment) and overhead (17% of investment). Distribution lines are added or expanded to accommodate new neighborhood development or higher electricity flows as sales increase.1
Keep in mind that when spending by municipal electric utilities and electric cooperatives are added to the EIA totals, the amounts reported by EIA actually would increase by about 25-30%, at least in our estimation.  The bulk of this additional non-IOU spending was for distribution expenditures.

We have increased these amounts for 2020 and 2021, if only to account for inflationary pressures on prices of electrical equipment and systems. Thus, our view is that, in 2021, about $60 Billion was spent in total, on electric power distribution activities in the United States. Of this amount, $33 Billion was estimated for capital investment, and about $20 Billion of the total went for distribution equipment and systems.

Fig. 1

Newton-Evans’ recent year studies of U.S. combined utility and industrial/commercial spending for dozens of specific T&D products, equipment types and systems suggest about $22 Billion was invested in about 70 specific T&D equipment types in 2021.2 Note that this estimate includes spending for both transmission and distribution. In fact, the total expenditures for T&D procurements likely exceeded 100 billion dollars. See Figure 2.

Fig. 2

This $22 Billion shown in the above chart excludes additional billions of dollars invested in power lines, underground cables, electric power poles, meters and ancillary equipment as well as customer-related spending, certain substation construction and O&M services.

One recent Newton-Evans’ study of capital investment changes brought on by the COVID pandemic, resulted in an expected drop in CAPEX from 2019 to 2020, followed by stabilization and a moderate increase in spending for some areas in 2021. Some respondents cited this as a “deferral” of investments rather than a cancellation of investments at the time of the study.3 Nonetheless, total capital investment by U.S. electric utilities during the 2020 and 2021 years likely centered around the $130 Billion mark.4

If the nation (and the entire world) can move on from the ongoing pandemic era, to an endemic period, grid modernization investment may recover some of the momentum lost or deferred from the past 24 months. As well, the significance of the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in November, 2021, cannot be overstated. More than $60 Billion dollars of funding under this new act has been allocated to the energy sector, most of that amount earmarked for modernization of the electric grid.

1. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration
2. Newton-Evans’ Market Overview Series on various T&D Topics
3. Newton-Evans Research Study of Capital Investment among U.S. Utilities in Midst of Pandemic Conditions (1-2 Quarters, 2020)
4. Newton-Evans Calculations of 1.28 x EEI/EIA estimate of $107 B. Newton-Evans’ estimate very similar to estimate prepared by Statista, which itself was sourced in part from S&P Global Market data.

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U.S. Market for Distribution Transformers Standing at $3 Billion, Based on Findings from Recent Newton-Evans Study

7 November, 2019.  Ellicott City, Maryland.  Based on the findings obtained in a recently completed study of the distribution transformer market in the United States, Newton-Evans provides the following information summary.

Distribution Transformer Market Size Estimates

The aggregated U.S. market for three groupings of distribution transformers stood at about $3 Billion in 2018 as seen in the above chart.  The market was segmented by Newton-Evans as shown here to include residential pole and pad mount units; dry type transformers, and small power/large distribution transformers ranging from 1-25 MVAs.

Institutional Barriers to U.S. Market Entry for Distribution Transformers

The third quarter 2019 Newton-Evans study included survey questions for both end-users and suppliers about any institutional barriers they see to potential market entry by non-North American manufacturers.

Among utility respondents, nearly one-half indicated compliance with recently enacted DOE regulations and recommendations for energy efficient distribution transformers as being a key barrier to market entry by foreign-based suppliers (outside of the NAFTA region). One quarter indicated “buy American” programs at their utility was also a deterrent. About 1 in 5 respondents indicated that Underwriters Lab certification was also important, and several respondents had other supporting comments to offer.

Suppliers commented that the enactment of tariffs also served as a deterrent to foreign manufacturers, while one of the largest domestic suppliers of overhead distribution transformers cited the importance of rapid post-storm response times as being a key factor in re-supplying utilities quickly. Another major U.S. transformer manufacturer cited three factors: UL Certificate requirement, DOE Efficiency requirements and “Buy American” initiatives.

Continue reading U.S. Market for Distribution Transformers Standing at $3 Billion, Based on Findings from Recent Newton-Evans Study

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Estimated U.S. Sales of Power and Distribution Transformers more than $4.1 Billion in 2017; $4.4 billion by 2020

The Newton-Evans Research Company has announced the publication of a new set of 13 U.S. transformer market segment summaries. The new series of market overview reports (executive market summaries) includes definitions, representative products, estimated market size for each transformer market segment, vendor market share estimates and market outlook through 2020. Electric utilities accounted for about 87% of purchases of small, medium and large power transformers and a variety of distribution transformers.
Continue reading Estimated U.S. Sales of Power and Distribution Transformers more than $4.1 Billion in 2017; $4.4 billion by 2020

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Proposed Import Tariffs: A BAD IDEA for the U.S. Electric Power Industry

by Chuck Newton

We all know that the current administration wants to “make America great again,” but using tariffs to prop up our homeland infrastructure is not the right approach to take at this time.

The U.S. electric power industry can ill afford the extra costs that would be incurred with the placement of 10-25% tariffs on iron, steel, and aluminum, which are core building blocks of our nation’s electrical infrastructure with a good percentage of finished electrical apparatus, equipment and ancillary products manufactured with imported steel and aluminum. Continue reading Proposed Import Tariffs: A BAD IDEA for the U.S. Electric Power Industry

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Bringing Grid Modernization to the Distribution Transformer

Guest Article by Vince Martinelli

The reliable operation of the North American power grid is testament to the quality of design, planning and execution over multiple generations of utility engineers. As part of this progression, previous grid modernization efforts added high-performance sensing and communications technologies, first to generation and transmission, and eventually to the distribution system. These technologies helped utilities squeeze more capacity and resiliency out of existing assets cost-effectively, reacting to changes driven by load growth and diversification, as well as industry restructuring.

These trends led to broadly deployed “automation” in the medium-voltage (MV) portion of the distribution system. Medium-voltage substations, where high-voltage power is stepped down to MV on its path toward end customers, have seen the greatest degree of automation. Combined with automation at some of the MV devices downstream from the substation, such as reclosers, capacitor banks and line regulators, this provides the ability to measure and control the system with higher fidelity as compared to managing from the transmission layer. Utilities have evaluated technologies, tested specific solutions in trials, validated use cases and financial models, and made prudent investment choices in rolling out MV automation.

History Repeating Itself
A similar “automation” transition is now happening at the low-voltage (LV) level. Driven by higher reliability expectations, growth of rooftop solar PV generation, energy efficiency programs, the emergence of electric vehicles in the transportation mix, and the promise of battery storage for a range of grid-connected applications, new pressure is being placed towards the edge of the grid. It is more acute in some service areas than others, and can be clustered within one utility’s territory – or even within specific feeder circuits. Driven by these trends, the next frontier in grid modernization is at the interface between the MV distribution layer and the LV distribution layer, centered on the humble distribution transformer, as represented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. LV Substations provide critical new capabilities for grid modernization.

Similar to the MV automation rollout, LV substation modernization will happen first at acute “pain points,” becoming more widespread as the technology matures and the detailed use cases are developed.

Active LV Substations Solve Multiple Problems
Among the variety of potential applications, local voltage regulation is a clear “pain point” that cannot be addressed at the MV layer alone. Whether for increasing PV hosting capacity at the neighborhood level by countering voltage rise during reverse power flow, or for supporting energy efficiency programs where the goal is to deliver voltage to customers at the lower end of the acceptable ANSI A range, the benefits of adding automation to the distribution transformer – what we refer to as an LV substation – are becoming clear.

Figure 2 shows two examples of LV Substations deployed by U.S. electric utilities. In each case, a standard distribution transformer is paired with a grid automation device providing control with power electronics-based multi-function regulating capabilities, visibility with onboard current and voltage sensors, and automation with processing and memory components and communications capabilities. These regulating functions include voltage regulation in forward and reverse power flow, power factor correction, and harmonics mitigation. The system also reduces voltage sags, swells, and flicker for the customer connected downstream.

These compact, maintenance-free systems take advantage of existing “real estate” on poles and pads, simplifying the easement process and providing an alternative to costly upgrades on the MV system. The flexible communications platform can integrate with SCADA on the MV system and interact with downstream LV devices, such as AMI (“smart meters”) or behind-the-meter resources, such as next-generation smart inverters, EV chargers or energy storage resources.

Figure 2. LV Substation implementations for (a) an overhead system and (b) underground plant, featuring coupled integration with a distribution transformer for siting on a standard pad in a residential area. Adding a power electronics-based regulator with integrated sensing, computing, communications and control software brings grid modernization to legacy distribution transformers.

Figure 3 shows voltage data at a particular customer meter over several months without grid automation; then with the voltage regulation from the LV Substation in place. Voltage variability before upgrading the system reflects MV voltage variations, with dips well below ANSI limits, as delivered to the distribution transformer. When the power electronics regulator is activated with an initial setpoint at 240 V, the only variability at the customer is the load-dependent voltage drop on the LV line itself. This particular customer, and neighboring customers behind this LV substation, now receive compliant voltage and superior power quality, independent of the bulk MV system.

Figure 3. Customer voltage delivery improvement measured by utility AMI voltage data showing the control provided by power electronics voltage regulation after introducing the automated LV Substation.

Looking Toward the Near Future
The daily news cycle reminds us that the forces putting pressure on the distribution grid are accelerating, driven largely by changes in how customers choose to participate in their energy future. Whether it’s Hawaii mandating a 100% renewables goal; solar power’s levelized cost of energy continuing to plummet; New York’s REV plan; the ongoing retirement of coal-fired power plants; or nationwide deployment of EV charging stations, the trends are clear.

Fortunately, the concept of automated LV Substations – elevating the status of the long-serving distribution transformer – provides a capital-efficient blueprint for a path forward, modeled after the successful rollout of automation in the MV distribution layer. The difference today is that localized pressure points call for localized solutions appropriate for the demands of the LV layer. The evolution of power electronics-based system designs has resulted in compact, reliable and cost-effective options to consider.

Vince Martinelli is responsible for managing the company’s product roadmap and articulating the business case for agile grid infrastructure. Vince brings over 25 years of product experience and an in-depth understanding of how to effectively drive new technology into legacy systems, transforming them in the process. He joined Gridco Systems in 2013 from Amazon Robotics (formerly Kiva Systems), where he led a team responsible for the integration of Kiva’s robotic order fulfillment system into Amazon’s global network. Prior to Amazon, Martinelli led the North American arm of Professional Services at Sycamore Networks. He has also held senior management positions at Corning Inc., including product management roles in the Optical Fiber business. Vince earned both the SB and SM degrees in Materials Science & Engineering, with a concentration in Economics, from MIT, where he was a Tau Beta Pi Fellow and an Academic All-American athlete.

For further information on multi-function power electronics-based regulation systems that turn distribution transformers into automated LV Substations, please visit

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Newton-Evans Study Shows Cumulative Shipments Of HV/MV Instrument Transformers During 2013-2016 Will Approach $1.5 Billion

According to a recent study published by Newton-Evans Research, the “Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers,” the manufacturing of HV IT equipment has a high “concentration ratio” of suppliers. MV IT equipment manufacturing is less concentrated, and the market is supplied by several participants.

Of the key North American IT equipment manufacturers, only ABB participates to a significant extent in both the HV and MV segments. ABB is the clear market segment leader in MV IT shipment values, and is growing to become a significant player in the HV IT segment in North America. One competitor did state that in their opinion, most of ABB’s HV IT shipments to U.S. and Canadian customers are still in sub-transmission and lower HV ranges. ITEC believes its own business will grow nicely with planned new HV offerings in the 230kV range.

Overall, the IT sub-industry group of firms is positive regarding the outlook for IT equipment sales as the deployment of substation automation devices, including more relays and additional substation meters, continues to increase. Utility personnel and T&D engineering consultants we talked with also believe that the IT market is growing nicely, thanks to increases in transmission expenditures and the expansion of renewable energy facilities.

The full 14 page report is available for $575 on our reports page (scroll down to “Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers”)

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New Report from Newton-Evans: Mid-2013 Assessment and Outlook for the North American Market for HV and MV Instrument Transformers

This new study of High Voltage and Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers shines a light on the growing requirement for additional current and voltage transformation equipment in electric power substations as more intelligent electronic devices are installed both in the substation and on the grid. From protective relays to substation meters to additional substation-based intelligent electronic devices, all require a reliable lower voltage, lower current power source to enable device operation.

According to Chuck Newton, “Newton-Evans Research undertook initial research on the topic of high voltage (HV) instrument transformers in mid-2012, then continued earlier this year for a private client study. Now, as follow-on to these efforts, Newton-Evans has extended its efforts into medium voltage (MV) instrument transformers during the second and early third quarters of 2013.”

Following are some key observations based on the HV/MV IT research program described in the report:

• By 2016, the combined HV/MV IT market will likely grow to more than $400 million annually with about $340-$370 million in U.S. expenditures and $50-$65 million spent by Canadian utilities and industry.
• Cumulative shipments of HV/MV instrument transformers within North America during 2013-2016 will approach $1.5 Billion.
• The manufacturing of HV IT equipment has a high “concentration ratio” (CR3) of suppliers.
• MV IT equipment manufacturing is less concentrated, with the medium voltage IT market addressed by several additional participants. (CR8).
• Sub-transmission level IT equipment, if viewed as a separate segment, would reveal additional market segment suppliers identified in the report.
• The spate of acquisitions a few years ago, involving the acquisition of the three leading “independent” HV IT equipment manufacturers (Trench, Ritz and Kuhlman) by Siemens, Alstom Grid and ABB, respectively, foreshadowed then-anticipated growth in this segment of the IT market in North America. Now, this T&D market segment continues to show promise in light of the construction and installation of new substations and quickening pace of grid modernization programs.

More information on this report, priced at $575.00,  can be found by clicking on the”Reports” tab.

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Estimated U.S. Sales of Power and Distribution Transformers Accounted for $4 Billion in 2011, Forecast to Increase to $4.7 Billion in 2014.

Newton-Evans Research Publishes Eleven Market Snapshot Reports on Power Transformer Industry in the United States

June 8, 2012. Ellicott City, Maryland. The Newton-Evans Research Company has announced its publication of a set of 11 U.S. transformer market two-page summaries. The new series of market overview reports (executive market summaries) includes supplier listings, representative products, and estimated market size for each topic, vendor market share estimates and market outlook through 2014. Electric utilities accounted for about 88% of purchases of small, medium and large power transformers and distribution transformers.

A majority of both power transformers and distribution transformers were produced in the United States. Distribution transformers (wet and dry types) accounted for about 50% of all transformer shipment values in the U.S. market in 2011, in spite of the low level of new residential and small commercial construction. Fewer very large power transformers now are imported, thanks to the U.S. siting of transformer production facilities by several major manufacturers over the past few years.

The Power Transformer series ($975.00) includes U.S. market size, market share estimates and market outlook for these 11 transformer-related product and service categories: TX01 – Mobile Transformers; TX02 – Medium Power Transformers; TX03 – Medium-Large Power Transformers; TX04 – Large Power Transformers; TX05 – Very Large Power Transformers; TX06 – Shunt Reactors; TX07 – Special Transformers (Arc, Furnace); TX08 – Distribution Transformers (OH, Oil, 5kva+); TX09 – Distribution Transformers (Dry Type); TX10 – Transformer Life Management Services; and TX11 – Transformer Monitoring & Diagnostics.

Other topical series currently available include substation automation (13 market segment snapshots) and protective relays (8 market segment snapshots). Upcoming series to be released include medium voltage equipment (20 summaries) and high voltage equipment market summaries (16 summaries. Both of these series are planned for publication later in June, 2012.

Further information on this new series of U.S. T&D market snapshots is available from Newton-Evans Research Company, 10176 Baltimore National Pike, Suite 204, Ellicott City, Maryland 21042. Phone: 410-465-7316 or visit for a brochure or to order any of the related report series or more than 90 planned individual report summaries online. For those interested in subscriptions to multiple report series, please call or email us for special introductory pricing offers. Khristina Newton can be reached at

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Chuck’s Composite (July 2010)

Very Large Power Transformer Industry: Well, wouldn’t you know it, now that EFACEC has opened the first major new transformer plant in the U.S. in decades, there is more to come. First, the leading India-based transformer manufacturer, Crompton-Greaves, has just opened a new large transformer facility in Missouri. Now word is that Hyundai will construct a large power transformer plant in Alabama. Interestingly as well, the GE PROLEC large power transformer business, having recently completed a significant plant expansion in its Monterrey, Mexico facility, has now surpassed the billion dollar level of business in its own right, based on our estimates.

All in all, these are very interesting and important developments that may help drive decisions among North American utility planning staffs to get moving with procurements for a new generation of “smarter” large power transformers to replace the aging fleet of some 50,000 large power transformers now more than 25 years old, and with a good percentage approaching 40 years of service.

Possible Acquisitions: Rumors have reached Newton-Evans about potential acquisition discussions between two giants (one a mega-giant) in the North American electric power T&D equipment and grid automation business. Could be a lot of industry excitement if this actually develops beyond the “whispers” heard recently.