by Chuck Newton
The September 1, 2010 announcement of a formal collaboration between CISCO and Itron was notable in several respects. First, the simple announcement was termed “collaboration” instead of “joint venture” or even a formal “partnership.” It was also described as non-exclusive, but was a very important step forward nonetheless for both companies, especially for Itron, and serves as a good omen for the AMI portion of “smart grid” communications in general, thus likely to benefit other AMI market participants that offer communications solutions as part of their go-to-market strategies.
CISCO is a $35 billion company, with an estimated $2-3 billion (Newton-Evans estimate) found within energy-related vertical industry sales of its communications equipment. Itron itself will close in on being a $2 billion corporation again in 2010, with about 50% of revenues derived from electric power industry AMR/AMI sales and services. Continue reading Sailing the Seven “C’s” With CISCO and Itron